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This page describes all the APIs related to zoom. These are common to all Zoom classes in the library, and also to the low level engine.


The transformation defines the engine resting position. It is a keyframe that is reached at certain points, like at start-up or when explicitly requested through setContentSize or setContainerSize.

The keyframe is defined by two elements:

  • a transformation value (modifies zoom in a certain way)
  • a transformationGravity value (modifies pan in a certain way)

which can be controlled through setTransformation(int, int) or app:transformation and app:transformationGravity.

Transformation Description
centerInside The content is scaled down or up so that it fits completely inside the view bounds.
centerCrop The content is scaled down or up so that its smaller side fits exactly inside the view bounds. The larger side will be cropped.
none No transformation is applied.

After transformation is applied, the transformation gravity will reposition the content with the specified value. Supported values are most of the android.view.Gravity flags like Gravity.TOP, plus TRANSFORMATION_GRAVITY_AUTO.

Transformation Gravity Description
top, … The content is panned so that its top side matches teh container top side. Same for other values.
auto (default) The transformation gravity is taken from the engine alignment, defaults to center on both axes.

Note: after transformation and gravity are applied, the engine will apply - as always - all the active constraints, including minZoom, maxZoom, alignment. This means that the final position might be slightly (or completely) different.

For example, when maxZoom == 1, the content is forced to not be any larger than the container. This means that a centerCrop transformation will not have the desired effect: it will act just like a centerInside.


You can force the content position with respect to the container using the setAlignment(int) method or the alignment XML flag of ZoomLayout and ZoomImageView. The default value is Alignment.CENTER which will center the content on both directions.

Note: alignment does not make sense when content is larger than the container, because forcing an alignment (e.g. left) would mean making part of the content unreachable (e.g. the right part).

Alignment Description
top, bottom, left, right Force align the content to the same side of the container.
center_horizontal, center_vertical Force the content to be centered inside the container on that axis.
none_horizontal, none_vertical No alignment set: content is free to be moved on that axis.

You can use the or operation to mix the vertical and horizontal flags:

engine.setAlignment(Alignment.TOP or Alignment.LEFT)
engine.setAlignment(Alignment.TOP) // Equals to Aligment.TOP or Alignment.NONE_HORIZONTAL
engine.setAlignment(Alignment.NONE) // Remove any forced alignment

Zoom Types

The base transformation makes the difference between zoom and realZoom. Since we have silently applied a base zoom to the content, we must introduce two separate types:

Zoom type Value Description
Zoom TYPE_ZOOM The scale value after the initial transformation. zoom == 1 means that the content was untouched after the transformation.
Real zoom TYPE_REAL_ZOOM The actual scale value, including the initial transformation. realZoom == 1 means that the 1 inch of the content fits 1 inch of the screen.

To make things clearer, when transformation is none, the zoom and the real zoom will be identical. The distinction is very useful when it comes to imposing min and max constraints to our zoom value.

Note that these values will change if the setContentSize or setContainerSize APIs are used with applyTransformation = true.


Some of the zoom APIs will let you pass an integer (either TYPE_ZOOM or TYPE_REAL_ZOOM) to define the zoom type you are referencing to. Depending on the context, imposing restrictions on one type will make more sense than the other - e. g., in a PDF viewer, you might want to cap real zoom at 1.

API Description Default value
getZoom() Returns the current zoom, not taking into account the base scale. 1
getRealZoom() Returns the current zoom taking into account the base scale. This is the matrix scale. -
getMinZoom() Returns the current min zoom. 0.8
getMinZoomType() Returns the current min zoom type. TYPE_ZOOM
setMinZoom(float, @ZoomType int) Sets the lower bound when pinching out. 0.8, TYPE_ZOOM
getMaxZoom() Returns the current max zoom. 2.5
getMaxZoomType() Returns the current max zoom type. TYPE_ZOOM
setMaxZoom(float, @ZoomType int) Sets the upper bound when pinching in. 2.5, TYPE_REAL_ZOOM
setOverPinchable(boolean) If true, the content will be allowed to zoom outside its bounds, then return to its position. true
setOverZoomRange(provider) Sets an OverZoomRangeProvider that defines the allowed amount to zoom outside the content’s bounds. DEFAULT_OVERZOOM_PROVIDER
setOverScrollHorizontal(boolean) If true, the content will be allowed to horizontally pan outside its bounds, then return to its position. true
setOverScrollVertical(boolean) If true, the content will be allowed to vertically pan outside its bounds, then return to its position. true
setOverPanRange(provider) Sets an OverPanRangeProvider that defines the allowed amount to pan outside the content’s bounds. DEFAULT_OVERPAN_PROVIDER
realZoomTo(float, boolean) Moves the real zoom to the given value, animating if needed. -
zoomTo(float, boolean) Moves the zoom to the given value, animating if needed. -
zoomBy(float, boolean) Applies the given factor to the current zoom, animating if needed. OK for both types. -
zoomIn() Applies a small, animated zoom-in. -
zoomOut() Applies a small, animated zoom-out. -
setZoomEnabled(boolean) If true, the content will be allowed to zoom in and out by user input. true

The moveTo(float, float, float, boolean) API will let you animate both zoom and pan at the same time.