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In Elements, presenters have the responsibility of laying down elements, that is, creating Views and binding Element data to them. This is the simplest component and most of the time you don’t even need to subclass the Presenter class, thanks to the extensions provided by the library.

These are the main tasks:

Task Function Description
Holder creation onCreate(ViewGroup, Int) Here you must provide a Holder instance, typically inflating a layout resource.
Holder initialization onInitialize(Holder, Int) The holder was created. You can perform here initialization task that do not depend on data (like color filters to icon), or add Views and object to the Holder cache using Holder.set(key, data) and Holder.get(key).
Binding holder to data onBind(Page, Holder, Element<T>) Bind data, contained in the given Element, to the view held by Holder.
Attaching holder to hierarchy onAttach(Holder) Called when holder is attached to the view hierarchy and is about to be visible.
Detaching holder from hierarchy onDetach(Holder) Called when holder is detached from the view hierarchy and is invisible.
Unbinding holder from data onUnbind(Holder) Called when the holder is unbound from the Element data. Can be used to release resources acquired during onBind.

Presenters also accept a click listener that will be automatically added to each view. The click listener will be added to the root view of the Holder, or, if found, to a child view that has the id R.id.click. This way you can still use the provided listener for internal clicks.