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The elements.extensions package provides useful implementations for sources and presenters. Typically we provide also static methods in the Presenter and Source classes to have even simpler implementations to avoid subclasses.

MainSource related:

Pagination prompts:


Simple sources:

Simple presenters:

Ordering utilities:


This is meant to be extended and incorporates standard behavior for paged, asynchronous content.

  • when the results are empty, it emits a ELEMENT_TYPE_EMPTY element that can be presented by EmptyPresenter
  • when you post an error, it emits a ELEMENT_TYPE_ERROR element that can be presented by ErrorPresenter
  • as soon as a page is opened, it emits a ELEMENT_TYPE_LOADING element that can be presented by LoadingPresenter. When real elements come, the loading element is replaced.

You typically don’t want to have more than one MainSource in the same adapter.


Reads ELEMENT_TYPE_EMPTY elements from MainSource. You can display a “This list is empty.” indicator. Subclass for more functionality.

    .addPresenter(Presenter.forEmptyIndicator(this, R.layout.empty))

Reads ELEMENT_TYPE_ERROR elements from MainSource. You can display a “There was an error.” indicator. Subclass for more functionality.

    .addPresenter(Presenter.forErrorIndicator(this, R.layout.error, { view, exception ->
        (view as TextView).text = "There was an error: $exception"

Reads ELEMENT_TYPE_LOADING elements from MainSource. You can display a loading indicator. Subclass for more functionality.

    .addPresenter(Presenter.forLoadingIndicator(this, R.layout.loading))
PaginationSource and PaginationPresenter

A pagination source emits PaginationSource.ELEMENT_TYPE elements that are meant to be displayed as “Load more…” buttons. These elements are appended at the end of a page. The PaginationPresenter will receive clicks on these items and ask the adapter for a new page.

val source = ContactsSource()
    .addSource(Source.forPagination(source)) // Add below contacts
    .addPresenter(Presenter.forPagination(this, R.layout.load_more))
DividerSource and DividerPresenter

When you have multiple sources you might want to add dividers among the items of a Source, but not all of the others. For example, you might now want dividers between ads. In this case, a divider source emits DividerSource.ELEMENT_TYPE elements that are caught and displayed by the divider presenter.

val source = ContactsSource()
    .addPresenter(Presenter.forDividers(this, R.layout.divider))

A list source will simply display items from a list in a single page.

    .addSource(Source.fromList(listOf("Red", "Green", "Blue")))

A LiveData source will simply bind results from a LiveData object into a single adapter page.


An extremely simple presenter that can be declared in a single line. It just requires a layout and, optionally, binding logic.

    .addPresenter(Presenter.simple(this, R.layout.contact, 0, { view, contact ->
        (view as TextView).text = contact.fullName()

An useful presenter for users of Android official Data Binding mechanism. You must provide a data binding factory and binding logic, or extend the class for more functionality. This will call executePendingBindings() for you after binding.

    .addPresenter(Presenter.withDataBinding(this, 0, { inflater, viewGroup ->
        ContactBinding.inflate(inflater, viewGroup, false)
    }, { binding, contact ->
        binding.contact = contact
FooterSource and HeaderSource

Ordering utilities for appending or prepending items to other elements of the page. Internally, these use dependencies and insert() callbacks. Implementors should subclass and provide an implementation for computeHeaders or computeFooters.

The class below will add header letters (A, B, C…) above contacts, without duplicates.

class ContactsHeaderSource(): HeaderSource<Contact, String>() {

    // Store the last header that was added, even if it belongs to a previous page.
    private var lastHeader: String = ""

    override fun dependsOn(source: Source<*>) = source is ContactsSource

    override fun computeHeaders(page: Page, list: List<Contact>): List<Data<Contact, String>> {
        val results = arrayListOf<Data<Contact, String>>()
        for (contact in list) {
            val header = contact.fullName().substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()
            if (header != lastHeader) {
                results.add(Data(contact, letter))
                lastHeader = letter
        return results