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latest: v2.7.2 GitHub

Starting from version 2.1.0, CameraView experimentally supports real-time filters that can modify the camera frames before they are shown and recorded. Just like overlays, these filters are applied to the preview and to any picture or video snapshots.

Starting from 2.5.0, this feature is considered to be stable and you do not need the experimental flag to use it. The only condition is to use the Preview.GL_SURFACE preview.

Simple usage


Real-time filters are applied at creation time, through the app:cameraFilter XML attribute, or anytime during the camera lifecycle using cameraView.setFilter().

We offer a reasonable amount of filters through the Filters class, for example:


All of the filters stored in the Filters class have an XML string resource that you can use to quickly setup the camera view. For example, Filters.BLACK_AND_WHITE can be used by setting app:cameraFilter to "@string/cameraview_filter_black_and_white".

The default filter is called NoFilter (Filters.NONE) and can be used to clear up any other filter that was previously set and return back to normal.

Filter class Filters value XML resource value
NoFilter Filters.NONE @string/cameraview_filter_none
AutoFixFilter Filters.AUTO_FIX @string/cameraview_filter_autofix
BlackAndWhiteFilter Filters.BLACK_AND_WHITE @string/cameraview_filter_black_and_white
BrightnessFilter Filters.BRIGHTNESS @string/cameraview_filter_brightness
ContrastFilter Filters.CONTRAST @string/cameraview_filter_contrast
CrossProcessFilter Filters.CROSS_PROCESS @string/cameraview_filter_cross_process
DocumentaryFilter Filters.DOCUMENTARY @string/cameraview_filter_documentary
DuotoneFilter Filters.DUOTONE @string/cameraview_filter_duotone
FillLightFilter Filters.FILL_LIGHT @string/cameraview_filter_fill_light
GammaFilter Filters.GAMMA @string/cameraview_filter_gamma
GrainFilter Filters.GRAIN @string/cameraview_filter_grain
GrayscaleFilter Filters.GRAYSCALE @string/cameraview_filter_grayscale
HueFilter Filters.HUE @string/cameraview_filter_hue
InvertColorsFilter Filters.INVERT_COLORS @string/cameraview_filter_invert_colors
LomoishFilter Filters.LOMOISH @string/cameraview_filter_lomoish
PosterizeFilter Filters.POSTERIZE @string/cameraview_filter_posterize
SaturationFilter Filters.SATURATION @string/cameraview_filter_saturation
SepiaFilter Filters.SEPIA @string/cameraview_filter_sepia
SharpnessFilter Filters.SHARPNESS @string/cameraview_filter_sharpness
TemperatureFilter Filters.TEMPERATURE @string/cameraview_filter_temperature
TintFilter Filters.TINT @string/cameraview_filter_tint
VignetteFilter Filters.VIGNETTE @string/cameraview_filter_vignette

Filters controls

Most of the provided filters accept input parameters to tune them. For example, DuotoneFilter will accept two colors to apply the duotone effect.


You can change these values by acting on the filter object, before or after passing it to CameraView. Whenever something is changed, the updated values will be visible immediately in the next frame.

You can also map the first or second filter control to a gesture (like horizontal or vertical scrolling), as explained in the gesture documentation:

camera.mapGesture(Gesture.SCROLL_HORIZONTAL, GestureAction.FILTER_CONTROL_1);
camera.mapGesture(Gesture.SCROLL_VERTICAL, GestureAction.FILTER_CONTROL_2);


CameraView provides a special filter called MultiFilter which can be used to group different filters together, and apply them in sequence to the input frame, in order to process it more than once.

camera.setFilter(new MultiFilter(firstFilter, secondFilter, thirdFilter));

You can even add new filters to the group at any time, using MultiFilter.addFilter(). The MultiFilter will also try to dispatch filter controls (e.g. from gestures) to its children.

There are some technical caveats when using a MultiFilter:

  • Using a large number of child filters can consume the available graphic memory
  • For advanced users, child filters need to read from GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D instead of the typical GLES11Ext.GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES. To achieve this, we get your fragment shader String and replace any "samplerExternalOES" with "sampler2D". This is a hack that might cause issues with specific shader implementations.

Advanced usage

Advanced users with OpenGL experience can create their own filters by implementing the Filter interface and passing in a fragment shader and a vertex shader that will be used for drawing.

Simple filters

For very simple filters that have a static fragment shader, you can create a working filter implementation by simply creating an instance of SimpleFilter:

Filter filter = new SimpleFilter(myFragmentShader);
More complex filters

We recommend:

  • Subclassing BaseFilter instead of implementing Filter, since that takes care of most of the work
  • If accepting parameters, implementing OneParameterFilter or TwoParameterFilter as well

Most of all, the best way of learning is by looking at the current filters implementations in the com.otaliastudios.cameraview.filters package.

Method Description
setFilter(Filter) Sets a new real-time filter.
getFilter() Returns the current real-time filter.