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latest: v0.10.5 GitHub

Transcoding will happen on a background thread, but we will send updates through the TranscoderListener interface, which can be applied when building the request:

        .setListener(new TranscoderListener() {
             public void onTranscodeProgress(double progress) {}
             public void onTranscodeCompleted(int successCode) {}
             public void onTranscodeCanceled() {}
             public void onTranscodeFailed(@NonNull Throwable exception) {}
        // ...

All of the listener callbacks are called:

  • If present, on the handler specified by setListenerHandler()
  • If it has a handler, on the thread that started the transcode() call
  • As a last resort, on the UI thread

This simply sends a double indicating the current progress. The value is typically between 0 and 1, but can be a negative value to indicate that we are not able to compute progress (yet?).

This is the right place to update a ProgressBar, for example.


The transcoding operation was canceled. This can happen when the Future returned by transcode() is cancelled by the user.


This can happen in a number of cases and is typically out of our control. Input options might be wrong, write permissions might be missing, codec might be absent, input file might be not supported or simply corrupted.

You can take a look at the Throwable being passed to know more about the exception.


Transcoding operation did succeed. The success code can be:

Code Meaning
Transcoder.SUCCESS_TRANSCODED Transcoding was executed successfully. Transcoded file was written to the output path.
Transcoder.SUCCESS_NOT_NEEDED Transcoding was not executed because it was considered not needed by the Validator.

Keep reading to know about Validators.